Index | Volume 1 2 3 4 5 | Issue 49 50 51

50: Spirit

This issue presents a number of discrete events over a period of several years. The events are not narrated in chronological order, so the ages of the characters involved will be noted as appropriate.

A lot of the dialogue should in Chinese but to use "subtitled" Chinese text as I have in previous issues will cause far too much clutter so I'm just going to ignore the issue of language. Maybe something could be added to the speech bubbles or lettering style to indicate different languages but it isn't really necessary.

Most of the narration in this issue is in the form of FENNEC's letter to SPIRIT and will be noted as such in the text. The "FENNEC's letter" captions should be lettered in a computer-like typeface (whatever that means).

PAGE ONE. Six panels.

Panel 1

Close-up of a pair of hands (small, girl's hands) dipping into a bowl of that white chalky stuff that gymnasts use. The girl wears a plain white gymnast's leotard -- we can't see much of it in this panel but it will be slowly revealed over the next few panels.

1. CAPTION (FENNEC's letter):


Panel 2

A pair of bare feet (small, girl's feet) begin to run along a bare wooden floor.

2. CAPTION (FENNEC's letter):


Panel 3

The feet leap off the floor.

3. CAPTION (FENNEC's letter):


Panel 4

The hands from PANEL 1 grip a high bar (of the sort that gymnasts swing round on).

4. CAPTION (FENNEC's letter):

Spirit, this is your last lesson.

Panel 5

A close-up on the girl's face as she swings around the bar. It's SPIRIT (who we have seen numerous times, beginning with ISSUE #1). But this is not the young adult we have seen in previous issues -- this is her at age six-and-a-half. As in other appearances, she has the golden-brown wavy hair that marks her as being not 100% Chinese, but the hair is much shorter. Tears are streaming down her face.

5. CAPTION (FENNEC's letter):

If you are hearing these words, I am dead.

Panel 6

A long view shows the girl in mid leap between two widely separated bars -- she has spun around the first and launched herself hands-first towards the other. Both bars are about 3m (9 feet) above the ground and the distance separating them looks frankly impossible for a six-year-old girl to cover. And the floor below her is still hard, uncushioned wood. She reaches... but we don't get to see if she makes it because we're about to turn the page and change the scene.

6. CAPTION (FENNEC's letter):

And you have to continue alone.

PAGE TWO. Four panels.

Panel 1

In a reprise of the scene from PAGE 1, the young SPIRIT is in mid leap between two high bars. It's not the same scene, though, and she can be dressed differently to highlight that. Additionally, unlike the last scene, the floor has padded mats over the bare wood.

We can also see the surrounding room much better: it's a gymnasium, but it appears to be underground, as the walls are rock. All of the interior scenes in this issue will be set in this underground habitat. It's part of a natural cave system that has been worked to turn it into a habitable space. Thus the rooms are regular and the floors level but the walls are of unfinished rock.

No dialogue.

Panel 2

SPIRIT lands awkwardly on the floor, having failed to reach the bar.

1. SFX:




3. FENNEC (off-panel):

You didn't fail because the distance is too great.

Panel 3

The view now includes FENNEC, who is sitting cross-legged with a notebook computer in front of him. We have seen FENNEC in flashbacks in a number of other issues, most recently in ISSUE #49 PAGE 9. He wears loose grey combat fatigues with matching boots and gloves, a half-face mask, and a belt with several bulky pouches. His features beneath the mask could be Arabic but it's hard to be certain. On the ground next to him are a pair of martial arts weapons -- TONFAS. Note that in every appearance in this issue FENNEC will always be wearing this costume, always with the mask hiding his face, and always with his tonfas either strapped to his thighs or near at hand.

SPIRIT is in the background, sitting up on the mat and looking at him. He's looking at his screen, however, not at her.


But because you didn't want to be on the other side.

Panel 4

Close up on SPIRIT glaring at him.


I'm only six!

PAGE THREE. Five panels.

Panel 1

FENNEC watches SPIRIT walk away. ASTRA (who we have seen in issue #32, etc.) is now standing near FENNEC, just off panel.

1. ASTRA (off-panel)

What does that mean, "you didn't want to be on the other side"?


Hello, Astra.

Panel 2

A wider view now includes ASTRA and FENNEC. In contrast to FENNEC's masked appearance, she is dressed normally and casually — no sign of the cloak she wore when with STRIKEFORCE. ASTRA doesn't look significantly younger than in her other appearances, even though it is 15 years earlier. It has been noted elsewhere that "present day" ASTRA looks younger than her real age of 40+.


Honestly, spouting philosophical mumbo-jumbo doesn't—


She has the ability to do it. She just doesn't have the will to force herself.

Panel 3

Now it's ASTRA that has turned her back on FENNEC and is walking away.


She's only six!

Panel 4

FENNEC sits alone in the gymnasium.


It's not her age. It's the size of the job she's got to do.

Panel 5

Close up on FENNEC.


I won't always be here.

PAGE FOUR. One panel.

Panel 1

A big action page! Five costumed figures stand surrounded by a large number of black-clad, ninja-like assailants. The ninja-types are armed with swords, staffs, and various other cool-looking ninja weapons. We can't see their faces because of their black masks. The five figures in the centre are fighting for their lives.

The five are: FENNEC, armed with a TONFA in each hand and fighting two opponents; MAJOR DEMOCRACY (with a costume and SHIELD identical to that which JAMES uses, though hopefully long-time readers will realise it can't be JAMES), who parries swords with his SHIELD while punching another opponent; SERVAL, a man (though obviously not completely human) in a black tunic which reveals a cat-like head and furry, clawed hands (we saw his face in flashback in ISSUE #33 PAGE 20, among other places), leaping ferociously at an opponent; SABLE, a short, muscular, Caucasian man in a long leather coat and fighting with a long staff; and finally ASTRA, in her green cloak.

None of these are actually going to be named in the text. I'm only giving the names here to help visual references later.

ASTRA isn't fighting -- in fact the four men seem to be protecting her from the ninjas. And the reason should be clear to see -- she protectively cradles a baby in her arms.

1. CAPTION (FENNEC's letter):

But you have known this since we discovered you, six years ago.

2. CAPTION (FENNEC's letter):

As the latest incarnation of a long line of mystical warriors, you were born with an adult awareness of the world and your place in it.

3. CAPTION (FENNEC's letter):

But the fact that your birth was at the precise instant of the Event made your current incarnation something unique—

4. CAPTION (FENNEC's letter):

The first of the new generation of superheroes.

PAGE FIVE. Five panels.

Panel 1

Young SPIRIT stands on a martial arts practice mat, bowing to FENNEC.

1. CAPTION (FENNEC's letter):

I have taught you the martial arts,

Panel 2

Young SPIRIT sits at a bench, watching while FENNEC pours the contents of one test tube into another. They are both dressed in white lab coats, FENNEC's over his normal costume, and they wear protective goggles.

2. CAPTION (FENNEC's letter):


Panel 3

Young SPIRIT sits alone at a computer terminal, typing away.

3. CAPTION (FENNEC's letter):

computer science,

Panel 4

Young SPIRIT and FENNEC are in a dirty, garbage filled back alley. It is night, but FENNEC holds a small flashlight. He is kneeling and pointing to the floor, at what might be a blood stain. SPIRIT leans down to see where he is pointing.

4. CAPTION (FENNEC's letter):

forensic science,

Panel 5

Young SPIRIT sits at a table covered in open books.

5. CAPTION (FENNEC's letter):

and everything else a great detective needs to know.

PAGE SIX. Five panels.

Panel 1

FENNEC watches YOUNG SPIRIT sitting with the MONK (who has been appearing as her companion since ISSUE #1. Both SPIRIT and the MONK are dressed in loose robes and are sitting on the floor, in the lotus position, meditating.

1. CAPTION (FENNEC's letter):

I don't think I've overlooked anything needed for your mental, physical and spiritual education.

Panel 2

FENNEC is sitting at a desk in another small room. He is typing on a computer. SPIRIT stands behind him. He speaks without looking at her.


When are we going out on patrol?


You're not ready for that yet.


I am!

Panel 3

FENNEC has turned to look at SPIRIT.


We don't stalk the streets looking for random crimes. We leave that to the superheroes.


You were a superhero, with Strikeforce!

Panel 4

Close-up on FENNEC.

7. FENNEC (softly):



Ask the monks to pack a bag for you. We're going to Shanghai.

Panel 5

FENNEC watches a delighted SPIRIT skipping out of the room.

9. FENNEC (softly):

Astra's going to kill me.

PAGE SEVEN. Five panels.

Panel 1

A narrow, dark alley in SHANGHAI at night. Two men are talking furtively. One seems to be holding a small blanket-wrapped bundle. (It's a baby. Sorry to ruin the suspense.) We can't see the men clearly, but the one with the baby appears to be Chinese and is conventionally dressed. The other one is dressed in dark clothing and standing in shadows. We see the scene from a high POV.

1. VOICE (off-panel, above left):

Who are they?

2. VOICE (off-panel, above right):

The man with the baby is a government official. The other man is Steven Alexander.

3. VOICE (off-panel, above left):


4. VOICE (off-panel, above right):

He's in the files.

Panel 2

We now see FENNEC and young SPIRIT crouched on a rooftop, looking down at the scene. SPIRIT is dressed in a black leotard and wears a pair of TONFAS strapped to her back (she's not tall enough to wear them on her thighs, as FENNEC is).


You won't let me look at the files!


When you can crack the password, you'll be ready to look at them.




Well, who is he?

Panel 3

We're looking down into the alley again. The Chinese man is handing the wrapped baby over to the second man.

9. VOICE (off-panel, above right):

A superhero.

10. VOICE (off-panel, above left):

There are no superheroes. Not since the Event!

Panel 4

On the roof, FENNEC is standing and motioning SPRIT up.


No, but there are still people with delusions. Come on.

Panel 5

FENNEC runs along the roof in a crouch. SPIRIT follows him (she doesn't need to crouch because she's already shorter than him!)


What is he doing? Who is the baby? Where are we going?

PAGE EIGHT. Four panels.

Panel 1

They leap a (narrow) gap between buildings.


Alexander has been running an underground railroad, smuggling political dissidents out of China.


The baby is a political dissident?

Panel 2

FENNEC athletically swings down a fire escape. SPIRIT is right behind him.


No. I believe the baby is a shape-changing mutant.





Panel 3

They crouch on a lower level of the fire escape, a couple of storeys above another narrow alley.




It's starting, Spirit. A new generation of post-Event metahumans. And we have to protect them. This is what I've been working towards for all these years.

Panel 4

Looking into the alley from their POV, we see four black-uniformed Chinese men walking down it towards where FENNEC and SPIRIT are hiding. They are armed with automatic weapons (slung, not held at the ready). They don't appear to have looked up and seen the figures on the fire escape.


Those men are Chinese internal security. Alexander doesn't know he's walking straight towards them.


They want to rescue the baby?

PAGE NINE. Three panels.

Panel 1

Small close-up of FENNEC and SPIRIT looking at each other.


The baby's father gave it to Alexander to take to America. The Chinese government thinks that this is a bad idea.




Which side do we help?

Panel 2

Same view. FENNEC just looks silently at SPIRIT.

No dialogue.

Panel 3

In the dominant panel on the page, SPIRIT is leaping down towards the Chinese agents. Her TONFAS are in her hands, her short hair is streaming behind her, and her face wears a grim expression.

4. CAPTION (FENNEC's letter):

The public only knew Fennec as the tonfa-wielding, publicity-shy vigilante working with Strikeforce.

PAGE TEN. Four panels.

Panel 1

SPIRIT's leap has brought her level with one agent and she is bringing both TONFAS crashing down on his head. She's tiny, compared with him, but she has the full momentum of a two-storey drop behind her. He's going down.

1. SFX:


2. CAPTION (FENNEC's letter):

The truth is that most of my work was behind the scenes. I'm a detective. I investigate, gather evidence, and logically plan my campaigns.

Panel 2

SPIRIT had landed nimbly on her feet as the clubbed agent drops senseless to the ground behind her. Another agent is in front of her, pointing his gun to cover her. He towers above her and it seems like there's no way for her to act without him shooting her full of lead.

3. SPIRIT (thought):


4. CAPTION (FENNEC's letter):

Only after I was sure of my facts did I turn a mission over to Strikeforce.

Panel 3

The agent's gun is clattering to the floor as he topples to the ground, eyes closed. But a third agent has grabbed SPIRIT's shoulder from behind.



6. CAPTION (FENNEC's letter):

Like proverbial bulls, they would crash through whatever villain I set them on. Usually blissfully unaware of the real work I was doing while they drew the fire.

Panel 4

Over her shoulder, without looking, SPIRIT smashes the grabbing agent in the crotch with the end of a TONFA. He's out of the fight. But we can see, though she can't, that the final agent has his gun raised to shoot.



8. CAPTION (FENNEC's letter):

And only when it was absolutely necessary—

PAGE ELEVEN. Four panels.

Panel 1

A pair of flying TONFAS from above strike the final agent. One knocks the gun from his hands, the second smashes into the side of his head.

1. SFX:


2. SFX:


3. CAPTION (FENNEC's letter):

—did I take an active role.

Panel 2

SPIRIT turns to see the final agent dropping to the ground. FENNEC is dropping down on the end of a line which must be anchored on the fire escape above.

No dialogue.

Panel 3

SPIRIT watches FENNEC retrieving his TONFAS from the ground.


What do we do now?


What do you think?


We... get out before Alexander sees us?

Panel 4

SPIRIT is clinging to FENNEC's back, her arms around his neck, as he swings back up the side of a building.


You need to be more aware of your environment. Otherwise you make mistakes.


Information is the most important asset you have, even in a combat.

9. CAPTION (FENNEC's letter):

I was never the strongest in Strikeforce, nor the fastest, nor even the best martial artist. Even when I had my powers, I couldn't take a bullet, I couldn't punch through walls. I was seriously outclassed against most of Strikeforce's enemies.

10. CAPTION (FENNEC's letter):

I survived by knowing more than anybody else. That's why I could still operate effectively long after the Event stripped everybody's powers. Knowledge is power. Never forget that.

PAGE TWELVE. Four panels.

Panel 1

FENNEC and YOUNG SPIRIT are in a big, high-class hotel suite. Through the picture window we can see it's in a big, high-rise city -- actually HONG KONG, but it's not relevant to the plot so there's no reason to tell the reader that. SPIRIT is leaving the bathroom, wearing a bathrobe. FENNEC is costumed and masked as usual.


I didn't know people lived like this!


I've kept you in the monastery for too long. You need to see the world you'll have to work in one day. And there are some people you need to meet.

3. CAPTION (FENNEC's letter):

I never did have enough time to show you the world. That's something you will have to do for yourself. You should visit Astra in Los Angeles. And when you are older, travel as much as possible.

Panel 2

SPIRIT stands looking out of the window.


Why are you wearing your mask?


Because of the man I'm expecting to arrive any minute.

Panel 3



I thought you said you trusted him?


I trust him more than any other man on Earth. That's not the point.

8. SFX:

knock knock


Will you open the door? And speak English for him.

Panel 4

SPIRIT has opened the door and stands looking up at a middle aged man wearing a battered leather flying jacket. It's DON NEWMAN (and if you needed me to tell you that, you're REALLY not paying attention!)

10. CAPTION (FENNEC's letter):

But there is never enough time to be everywhere. That's why you need a reliable network of contacts. Agents that you can trust in the field.


Hello, Mr Newman.

12. DON:

Hello, little girl. I was, uh, expecting someone else...

PAGE THIRTEEN. Five panels.

Panel 1

A grass-covered, horseshoe-shaped valley in a mountainous region. At the head of the valley is a sheer cliff face, into which is carved the facade of an ancient temple which must extend back into the cliff. This is FENNEC's headquarters -- we've shown parts of it in SPIRIT's scenes in earlier issues but this is our first full view of the exterior.

A small, sleek helicopter has landed on the grassy plain, and in this panoramic view we can see FENNEC, SPIRIT and a MONK walking away from it. The MONK is loaded down with luggage.

No dialogue.

Panel 2

Continuing the above scene, FENNEC, SPIRIT and the MONK are now at the entrance to the temple, where they are met by a disapproving ASTRA.


Where have you been?


Astra. I didn't expect you here again so soon.

Panel 3

Close-up of SPIRIT, watching the conversation. The speech captions come from off-panel above her head, ASTRA to the left, FENNEC to the right.

3. ASTRA (off-panel):

Didn't expect? I thought you knew everything.

4. FENNEC (off-panel):

I'm not omniscient.

5. ASTRA (off-panel):

Ha! Then you admit you don't automatically know what's best for her?

6. FENNEC (off-panel):

I know everything I need to know.

7. FENNEC (off-panel):

Spirit, why don't you go to your room and unpack?

Panel 4

FENNEC and ASTRA are in the foreground of this panel, attention still fixed on one another. In the background, SPIRIT and the MONK are walking away from them.


For God's sake, Fennec, she's only six!


She's a reincarnated adult mind—

10. ASTRA:

That's not the point!

Panel 5

In a close up of the two of them, FENNEC is jabbing his finger at ASTRA to emphasise his point.


No, the point is that there is soon going to be a generation of young superhumans out there with no guidance on how to use their powers, no older mentors or role models to keep them straight.

PAGE FOURTEEN. Five panels.

Panel 1

Now just a close up of FENNEC.


I'm the only one to have seen this coming and set up any kind of support organization. You saw it back in the days when you could divine the future, but what did you do?

Panel 2

Now a close up of ASTRA, flinching under his verbal assault.

2. FENNEC (off-panel):



We can't control the world. People have to be free to make their own choices. There'll be heroes without your—

Panel 3

And just for variation, a long distance view of them again.


That's the Major speaking, isn't it? And what's he doing to save the world? Sitting in Haven, waiting to ride out one day like King Arth—


That's enough!

Panel 4

ASTRA is walking away, towards the temple entrance.


You don't have the right to deny anybody a childhood.

Panel 5

Just inside the temple entrance, SPIRIT has been standing in a dark shadow and watching the argument outside. ASTRA is walking towards her POV.

7. CAPTION (FENNEC's letter):

I know why Astra constantly fought my plans.

8. CAPTION (FENNEC's letter):

One, she was never logical.

9. CAPTION (FENNEC's letter):

Two, she was influenced too much by Nightflyer and the Major.

PAGE FIFTEEN. Seven panels.

Panel 1

ASTRA has reached SPIRIT and is kneeling down facing her.


Spirit, honey, how would you like to come and live with me in Los Angeles?

2. CAPTION (FENNEC's letter):

But most importantly, three, she resented me for having you when she couldn't have children of her own.

Panel 2

Same view. SPIRIT looks at ASTRA, her expression completely serious.


I belong here.


This is no place to grow up. You need to experience real life.


Fennec needs me here.

Panel 3

Same view. (Yes, it's deliberately all static at the moment.)


Fennec's a megalomaniac! He's trying to control the world and... honey, he doesn't care about you and he never will. He's not capable of it.


He does care. I know he does. He cares about everyone.

Panel 4

Close up on SPIRIT's face.


I can see that in his min—

Panel 5

Closer in on just SPIRIT's eyes, and ASTRA's face is reflected in them.

9. SPIRIT (softly):


Panel 6

Back to a wide view of the two of them.


You'd better go.

Panel 7

SPIRIT has turned and is running away from the still-kneeling ASTRA.

11. ASTRA (softly):


PAGE SIXTEEN. Five panels.

Panel 1

FENNEC sits typing at a computer.

1. CAPTION (FENNEC's letter):

When I used to call myself the world's second greatest detective, Strikeforce used to think it was joke.

2. CAPTION (FENNEC's letter):

I never joke.

Panel 2

SPIRIT has entered behind FENNEC and is holding out a computer disc. He isn't looking at her.

3. CAPTION (FENNEC's letter):

I knew there would be somebody better. Somebody I would meet one day.


I finished it.


There's an error in your worm propagation code.

Panel 3

Close up on SPIRIT, looking aggrieved.


You haven't even looked at it!

7. FENNEC (off-panel):

I don't need to. There's an error in my propagation code—

8. CAPTION (FENNEC's letter):

Somebody who would learn everything I know but also possess one other factor the perfect detective needs.

Panel 4

Fennec has turned to look at SPIRIT.


—and you copied the code out of my mind.

10. CAPTION (FENNEC's letter):


Panel 5

FENNEC kneels on the floor, so he is eye level with SPIRIT.


Information is only valuable when you can trust it. That's why you need to do the work yourself. Understand. Check. Verify. That's why you need to learn these skills even though your powers might seem to make them unnecessary.


Always trust your own knowledge, not somebody else's.


Panel 1

Same view as the previous page.


Do you understand?




Then what's wrong?

Panel 2

Same view.


Astra knows when you're going to die.

Panel 3

Same view again.

No dialogue.

Panel 4

FENNEC puts a hand on SPIRIT's shoulder.


Do you know?


No. I didn't want to see it.


Do you know?

Panel 5

Same view.




I don't want to know when I will die.

Panel 6

Now they are hugging. SPIRIT's face is hidden in his chest and FENNEC's arms are around her.


I don't want you to die.


We all die.


That's why we have to spend our lives well.

PAGE EIGHTEEN. Five panels.

Panel 1

A small, stone-walled room which seems to be a store for gas cylinders. FENNEC and PARSIFAL stand facing each other. FENNEC is in his costume, TONFAS in hand, and PARSIFAL is in his usual grey business suit. They appear to have been fighting -- both are covered in blood and their clothing is torn and tattered. They are currently standing a few feet apart and looking at each other. There is one open door into the room, behind PARSIFAL. Note that PARSIFAL looks no different to his previous appearances (most recently LAST ISSUE), even though these events happened 15 years ago when the PARSIFAL we know should probably have been a boy. Also note that this panel is identical to the flashback in PANEL 4, PAGE 9 of LAST ISSUE.

1. CAPTION (FENNEC's letter):

You once asked, if information is the most important asset you can have then why didn't I want to know when I would die?

Panel 2

From FENNEC's POV. He's looking past PARSIFAL, through the open doorway. Running down a corridor towards the door is DON, gun in hand, ready to (presumably) aid FENNEC.

2. CAPTION (FENNEC's letter):

What if I did know?

Panel 3

FENNEC is hurling one TONFA towards PARSIFAL -- but it's missed him! It goes straight past his head and towards the wall (next to the doorway).

3. CAPTION (FENNEC's letter):

I could cheat death. Be in a different place at that time. Refuse to go on the mission that killed me.

Panel 4

Close-up on the TONFA as it strikes a panel next to the door -- the panel is conveniently labelled "EMERGENCY DOOR SEAL", so readers understand what's going on.

4. CAPTION (FENNEC's letter):

But what if I had to be on that mission?

Panel 5

The TONFA ricochets away from the impact, and we see a thick steel plate sliding down to seal the doorway. On the other side of the door we see DON -- almost there but not quite -- reaching his hand out and opening his mouth open in a shout.

5. CAPTION (FENNEC's letter):

What if millions of lives were at stake?

PAGE NINETEEN. Two panels.

Panel 1

A small close-up of the ricocheting TONFA striking the valve at the top of a gas cylinder. Signs on the cylinder helpfully say "DANGER EXPLOSIVE" and such like.

Panel 2

And a big exterior scene -- a moon-lit cliff face above a stormy ocean (it's quite obviously NOT the cliff that FENNEC's HQ is built into). A huge explosion inside the cliff sends flying rocks and billowing flames into the night sky.

1. CAPTION (FENNEC's letter):

Is it better to accept my fate, no matter how unfair, than know that I could have saved lives but chose not to?

PAGE TWENTY. Four panels.

Panel 1

Young SPIRIT is flying through the air towards the high bar. This panel is basically a reprise of (or maybe a split-second after) PAGE 1 Panel 5, so she is in the same white leotard with the same tears on her face. (The two pages form the "bookends" of the entire intervening flashback.)

1. CAPTION (FENNEC's letter):

That is a question you need to answer for yourself.

Panel 2

Close-up of SPIRIT's hands grasping the bar she was reaching for.

2. CAPTION (FENNEC's letter):

The life I have mapped out for you won't be easy. The distance is great and you may not want to cross it. The decision rests with you.

Panel 3

A wider view again, as SPIRIT swings around the bar and lets go at the top of her swing.

3. CAPTION (FENNEC's letter):

You will be the most important person on Earth, should you choose that path.

Panel 4

Tucked into a ball, SPIRIT somersaults through the air.

4. CAPTION (FENNEC's letter):

The future is in your hands.

PAGE TWENTY-ONE. Three panels.

Panel 1

An identical panel, SPIRIT somersaulting through the air, but this is the SPIRIT of 2014, a mature young woman. Her hair is very long, streaming behind her as she moves through the air. Leotard has been replaced by a black bodysuit, bare feet by pink (yes, pink!) sneakers. And she wears a short jacket, pink and white. Strapped to each thigh is a TONFA.

No dialogue

Panel 2

She straightens out, still in mid air, so she's moving head-first (horizontally). Her arms are held crossed in front of her face and each hand holds a TONFA, taken from her leg "holsters", ready to attack. (The right-angled handle is gripped in the hand and the long shaft of the tonfa rests against the leading edge of the forearm.)

No dialogue

Panel 3

At the end of her leap, SPIRIT crashes into a man. The man is Caucasian, shaven-headed, and stripped to the waist. He is big and powerful, muscles rippling across his chest and arms. SPIRIT is probably a third of his weight. But her crossed TONFAS have taken him in the throat and the attack has quite obviously incapacitated him. He falls backwards.

No dialogue


Panel 1

The man is flat on the floor, conscious but helpless. SPIRIT kneels on his chest, her TONFAS still crossed at his throat.

1. CAPTION (FENNEC's letter):

I have never trusted anybody so completely.


Where is Parsifal?

Letters Page END of ISSUE 50

Next: Temples & Trolls

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© 2008 by David Meadows